Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd

8 AM - Holy Communion
9:30 AM - Adult Sunday School
10:30 AM - Holy Communion with Children's Sunday School
Driving Directions:
Look for our sign and access road off of E. Main Street, Tomball (FM 2920), across from Concordia Lutheran High School. Set your GPS to 801 E. Main Street, Tomball.
About Us
We are a growing faith community with deep roots in the Greater Tomball area. We aspire to be a loving community of worship, education and outreach, bearing witness to Christ's redeeming grace. We strive to be a place of acceptance, welcoming all to Christ table. But mostly we endeavor to be a place of connection, providing a safe community. All are invited to worship with us and become part of our parish family!
MISSION STATEMENT: The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd is an open and joyful community of fellowship, healing and reconciliation, bearing witness to God's love by serving others and welcoming all to Christ's Table.
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